Generate an API Key

Create an API key and copy it to use in API functions.

Who can use this feature?

Users with this profile additional capability: 

  • Settings

Not sure if you have this feature or capability? Reach out to your administrator.

Note: To enable this feature, contact Visier Technical Support.

The generated API key doesn’t expire. The request rate limit is defined by Visier and isn't configurable.

To acquire an API key:

  1. On the global navigation bar, click Settings > API Keys.
  2. To copy the API key to your clipboard, click Copy.

    If the API key is not shown, click Regenerate.

  3. Optional: To regenerate your key, click Regenerate.


    • If you regenerate your API key, your previous key is invalid and must be replaced in your existing API requests or integrations with Visier.
    • Regeneration is only recommended if there is an organizational best practice in place to manage API user accounts because you will need to reissue the key to API users and update scheduled API calls to use the new key. Some examples of organizational best practices are:
      • Establishing a cadence schedule for API key regeneration.
      • Managing a rollout plan for impacted departments.
      • Communicating across departments.